OCD Recovery Is Possible

Your Guide to Navigating OCD & Anxiety: Empowerment and Skills

Get relief from constant worrying, overthinking, and fear for the future with a program that teaches you proven techniques for OCD and anxiety management.

I-CBT Course for OCD

Ready to confidently and courageously chase all your aspirations without the *fear of OCD* holding you back?

You know you’re meant for more. It’s all in the 5 year plan that you refer to every morning during your goal-planning session. You’re determined to achieve even your most ambitious goals, creating a happy, healthy, and fulfilling life for yourself. 

Christina creator of I-CBT course for OCD

To keep up with your drive to realize your aspirations, you’d like to be in a headspace where you have:


Unshakeable Confidence

You recognize your true value, you pursue your aspirations without being hindered by self-doubt or fear of failure.


Emotional Resilience

You are free from obsessing over hypothetical scenarios. Nothing gets in the way of the life you want to create for yourself.


Peaceful Mindfulness

You live fully in the present moment, free from the grip of intrusive thoughts or worries about the future, savoring each moment and finding joy in the simple pleasures of life.


Authentic Happiness

You’re genuinely happy and fulfilled because you’re not dependent on external achievements or validation. Instead, you have a deep sense of contentment with yourself and your life.

But your OCD has become a barrier that has left you feeling unsure about, well, everything. You’ve fallen down the rabbit hole into a world that’s scary and twisted just like Alice in Alice in Wonderland.

Christina's back creator of online ICBt course for OCD

Life down the ocd rabbit hole looks like this:

❌ You live in fear. Anxiety controls your life. You get so caught up in imagining worst-case scenarios that you can’t tell what’s real and what’s your OCD. Your decisions are made in fear on what your OCD tells you is a “safe” choice, not what you want to do. 

Every day feels like a relentless cycle between intrusive thoughts triggering anxiety and attempting to use compulsive behavior to feel safe again. 

Despite being an incredibly ambitious and driven person, you’re not as productive as you used to be because obsessions and compulsions make it so hard to focus and stay on task

❌ In an attempt to avoid triggers, you’re a shadow of yourself. You’ve withdrawn to keep yourself safe so you’re struggling to maintain connections with friends, family, and colleagues.

Wracked by self-doubt, you feel completely isolated, hopeless, and like you’re letting everyone down. 

OCD fuels negative stories that sound like…

I'm not good enough. I always have to be in control. I'm defined by my thoughts. I can't handle uncertainty. I'm responsible for everything. I must avoid discomfort. I'll never get better. I'm alone in this. I must always be perfect. I'm not deserving of happiness.

Until Now

It’s time to rewrite your story

It’s time to graduate to the “I’m in control” category. To most people with OCD, recovery feels hopeless because they don’t know about one key ingredient that puts you back in the driver’s seat.

(I know because I took back my life and learned to manage my OCD through an evidence-based solution.)

The Secret?

Client on computer working on online OCD course with I-CBT

The thing that changed everything for me was looking at my thinking process, not just my behaviors. When you change your thoughts, you change your behavior. And…Unlock a more hopeful and happy state of being. 


Escaping the OCD Rabbit Hole 

(An I-CBT based approach for OCD Recovery)

An in-depth course designed to help you navigate your obsessions, reduce compulsions, and make intentional choices.

Escaping the OCD Rabbit Hole

Christina ennabe creator of OCD course using ICBT therapy

This program offers a different approach to traditional OCD methods, helping you understand how OCD operates and build the skills to make value-based choices rather than reacting to OCD-driven fears.

Inside, you’ll learn a deep understanding of proven therapeutic techniques and how they can be tailored to your unique needs. I use everyday language you’ll understand (not professional jargon).

Plus, get practical everyday life exercises to teach you the knowledge and tools that will release you from the grip of OCD. 


You Have Options For OCD Recovery. 

OCD is a cruel disorder. You’re constantly flooded with situations where your brain tells you that you’re in danger. Alarms are always going off in your head and compulsive behaviors try to keep you safe.

But you can learn to quiet those alarms and not just tolerate them.

Following the unique 5 step OCD management framework, you will:

Take Back Control

Using evidence-based strategies for managing OCD, you will have reliable tools to minimize and manage the symptoms of OCD so it doesn’t control your life anymore - you do. 

Have proactive management strategies

To help you put principles into practice, the course includes an extensive workbook full of exercises and activities that turn theory into real change.

Build self trust

 The purpose of this course is self-led recovery. All concepts are explained in a simple-to-understand way with a focus on how you can use the principles to create real change in your life. The tools for recovery are in your hands, enabling you to distinguish what is real and what is your OCD, rebuild your relationships, and stand strong in self-belief.

Break Free from the OCD cycle

With the course being centered around an I-CBT approach, you will learn to manage OCD from the root which are the thoughts that make up the obsessions. By getting a handle on the obsessions, you stop the OCD cycle before it gets to compulsions.

Knowledge is power. This course doesn’t just give you the knowledge of OCD management techniques but knowledge of how OCD works and how to apply proven principles in your practical life to break free from the grip of OCD. 

Delivered via:

  • 7 hours of step-by-step video lessons

  • Exclusive 100+ pg workbook with exercises to build insight & empowerment, enabling you to face your fears with confidence

Invest in your well-being. Learn the lifelong skills for managing your OCD and anxiety.

Access the whole roadmap for building self-trust and navigating OCD so you can work toward recovery and create your fullest life free of doubt, fear, and OCD triggers.

It works so well because:

  • Is created by someone with OCD for people with OCD so you can understand and implement it in simple ways

  • Targets OCD at the root i.e. obsessions before doing compulsive behaviors

  • Gives you the knowledge and tools you need to manage your own OCD in real life, empowering you to take back control

Imagine a world where recovery starts with trust to regain control instead of repeated exposure to your feared thoughts and situations.

There’s another way.

Escaping the OCD Rabbit Hole is a cognitive based approach that emphasizes understanding your personal obsessions and their origins.

Doors reopen 2025 TBD

Access Escaping the OCD Rabbit Hole self-paced course for a payment of:


Meet the therapist behind Escaping the OCD Rabbit Hole

Hi, I’m Christina

I’m a coach and an OCD & Anxiety therapist with lived experience. I know what it’s like to live in fear of your thoughts and your future. I’m so sorry you’ve experienced this too. The first thing I want you to know is that recovery is possible. You can feel safe, sure of yourself, and in control again.

I’ve conquered OCD. You can too. 

I first looked into OCD out of professional interest, attending an OCD training hosted by OCD New Hampshire (an affiliate of the International OCD Foundation). I resonated so much with the client's struggles and treatment approach, leaving so deeply inspired by the success stories that I decided to become an OCD specialist. I’m now a board member for OCDNH.

Soon it became apparent that I had undiagnosed OCD. I only realized this because I dedicated my education and training to OCD and worked with clients who showed me how varied the spectrum of OCD is. There are lots of people who don’t fit the traditional profiles of OCD and I’m one of them. 

This experience gives me a unique insight into the effective treatment of OCD. On a personal level, I know what it’s like to live with OCD as well as anxiety, perfectionism, and body-focused repetitive behaviors. On a professional level, I know the modalities, methods, and principles that will help you to understand, manage, and recover from OCD. 

It’s time to stop feeling shame around intrusive thoughts. They are a normal part of human thinking. It’s time to view OCD from a different perspective. 

My OCD used to control me. Here’s what i did…

Before getting a handle on the tools I share in Escaping the OCD Rabbit Hole, I felt overwhelmed, stuck in analysis paralysis, unable to make decisions confidently, and needing reassurance from others. I had to make "right" choices and feared making mistakes. This showed up in imposter syndrome and avoidant behaviors.

After following the same strategies I share in this course, I can trust myself, make value-based choices, take risks, practice acceptance, tolerate uncertainty of the future, be imperfect, be more in the moment, and roll with change. It’s a night-and-day transformation that you can experience too.

Escaping the OCD Rabbit Hole will take you from doubt to self-trust by…

providing comprehensive resources for self-led mastery of OCD management.

My unique ALICE framework for life-changing recovery goes like this:

Awareness (module 1)-build insight into your OCD

Lengthen response (module 2)-create a delay between the thought (obsession) and reaction (compulsion)

Identify the story (module 3)-uncover the story OCD is telling you and independently decide whether you want to engage with the story or not

Connect to your senses (module 4)-ground into the present moment to help change the patterns of OCD

Engage with true self (module 5)-stay connected with who you really are, not the version of yourself your OCD is in fear of

plus a BONUS module all about how to maintain your success after you’ve completed the course!

With the tools you need to effectively manage your OCD, you take back control!

A New Approach to Effective OCD Management (If ERP isn’t for you).

Have you grasped why this I-CBT approach is meaningful to OCD? 

Let’s break it down further…

Inside Escaping the OCD Rabbit Hole, we look at OCD from a different perspective. With an I-CBT approach you will learn that obsessions stem from false narratives about possibilities and how they arise from flawed reasoning patterns.

A mental misstep that leads to doubt in situations where doubt isn't warranted - like seeing a stranger on the street thinking they are a threat, when they aren’t.

Which is why inside this program, we aim to target this faulty thinking process.  I’ll teach you how to rewire how you reason and doubt. By targeting this faulty thinking process, you’ll be able to disrupt the chain reaction that leads to compulsions.

This course includes information from I-CBT, ERP and Acceptance and Commitment Therapy (ACT) for a comprehensive recovery strategy.

Change Your Relationship With OCD For Good

Shift from a place of constant worrying about the future to focusing on the present moment and taking meaningful steps towards your goals because your relationship with OCD and anxiety has changed from one of fear and avoidance to one of acceptance and proactive management.

The Escaping the OCD Rabbit Hole self-paced course is for you if:

  • You are a type A overachiever who knows you’re meant for more but mental health has become a barrier to progress

  • Other attempts to get on top of your OCD haven’t worked for you and you’re looking for a fresh opportunity to learn effective management strategies 

  • You’re looking for evidence-based strategies that are explained in a way that is easy to understand, digestible, and relatable to everyday life because it’s designed for (and by) people with OCD 

  • You would prefer a way to independently learn about OCD and proactive strategies for managing it yourself

  • You are determined to reach your ambitious goals and are ready to ditch the overwhelmingly high expectations you put on yourself in favor of sustainable, healthy, and empowering progress 

  • Finding an I-CBT based therapist in your state is hard and expensive. You’re ready for an alternative to ERP that works without it costing you a fortune

  • You are tired of being controlled by “what if” scenarios and are ready to step into confidence, authentic happiness and self-acceptance

Helpful answers to customer’s questions…

Section Styles accordian

  • While the course includes some ERP principles and methods from other therapeutic approaches, at its core it takes an I-CBT approach which targets OCD at a different entry point than ERP. ERP focuses on stopping behaviors or the compulsions of OCD through habituation. I-CBT takes it back to the what if thoughts that lead to the behaviors, so obsessions of OCD, as well as resolving Inferential Confusion. When you look at the cognitive elements of OCD, you stop compulsions in their tracks. It’s empowering to take back trust in yourself and your senses and as a result your behavior after having felt controlled by OCD.

  • Everyone’s path to managing OCD is unique. This self-help course is designed for those wanting to take an active role in their own recovery and can also be a helpful addition if you’re working with a therapist. While it’s an empowering tool, it’s not meant to replace therapy or serve as a substitute for professional treatment.

  • Yes! I know in the depths of OCD, it feels like all control of your life and hope of change is lost. You’re stuck in a cycle of obsessions and compulsions that causes you to continually draw back from the things you used to love to do and the life you were determined to build for yourself. With an in-depth understanding of how your OCD works and the tools and strategies that will help you to break the cycle, you can take back control, building back up your sense of self and belief in your ambitions.

  • Having OCD can feel like you have no control over your thoughts, your feelings, and your choices. It can be crippling and debilitating. It can feel hopeless. But once you understand how OCD functions, it becomes way less scary. In fact, you feel empowered and courageous. You don't have to be afraid of your thoughts, you can make choices based on your values instead of fears, and you can stop obsessions from forming in the first place which automatically gets rid of compulsions. You free up energy and time for the things that are important. You can trust yourself and have confidence.

You’re NOT meant to be ruled by OCD. You can recover. 

Learn how to defeat OCD doubts and “what ifs” for good. You’re ready for life without limitations.

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