What are Body Focused Repetitive Behaviors?

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BFRBs are intense urges and compulsive behaviors that lead to (unintentionally) damaging one’s physical appearance.

The disorders include trichotillomania (compulsive hair pulling), dermatillomania (compulsive skin picking, also called excoriation disorder), and onychophagia (compulsive nail biting).


nail biting
finger picking
skin picking
cheek biting
lip biting
hair pulling

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There’s no one cause as to why people engage in BFRBs.  

  • to self soothe

  • to cope with emotional issues like Anxiety & Depression

  • boredom

  • sensory issues (under or overstimulated)

  • learned habits

  • mental health disorders like Obsessive Compulsive Disorder and Body Dysmorphic Disorder

I help my clients with BFRBs manage their symptoms by approaching treatment from 5 different angles: Cognitive, Sensory, Affective, Motor, and Place. This is called the ComB model and is the gold standard approach for BFRBs. 

Despite BFRBs being very common, they trigger a lot of shame, especially when they cause visible damage. 

Together, we can:

  • Build self-awareness around your internal & external triggers

  • Create a customized plan of action

  • Build up your self-compassion and reframe negative self-talk 

  • Increase your self-confidence 

  • Reduce the frequency and severity of your BFRBs

  • Identify specific interventions for your unique needs

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Ready to talk about it?

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Schedule your free consultation to find out more about how I can help.